Sunday, August 06, 2006

Variables in Very Cheap Car Insurance Rate

Some of you may compare your car insurance rate with your families, friends, or neighbors. You may also be surprised that you get higher car insurance rate than them. Before you call your car insurance company or your car insurance broker or agent, you should realize that there are several variables that should be taken into account when determining your car insurance rate.

There are lots of variables to consider, thus one car insurance policy is different than the other. You can´t just blame the car insurance company or your car insurance agent. Below are several variables that affect car insurance policy.

Credit Report
This is perhaps a variable that has the biggest effect on your car insurance policy. The better your credit report the cheaper your car insurance rate will be.

Your car
You may already know that expensive car has higher rate than ordinary car. What you may not know that newer cars have better rate because of the car security features. Some vehicles are also vulnerable to theft, thus have high stolen rate. Of course this kind of car, when insured, has higher car insurance rate.

Your area
Different area of your resident has different rating. You can not control this accept you move to different area.

Driver Information
Age plays a part of your car insurance. Senior adult drivers will have different rate than adult drivers. Don´t forget that your driving record also play a large part in determining your car insurance rate.

This is maybe the least considered variable when you compare your car insurance rate with your neighbors. Multiple policy discount, good student discount, and driver training discount are only some of the discounts that may affect the car insurance rate.

What you really have to compare is your car insurance profile from company to company. That is the best way to shop around. Your friend may get cheaper rate in a company because of multiple policy discount, that you may not get. So, always do your shopping the right way.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

personally we should not compare the insurance rates, with others as there is a bit of difference typically between insurance rates of family etc.

10:27 AM  

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